2.1 Anti-corruption
2.2 Prohibition of unfair competition
2.3 Intellectual Property Protection
2.4 Respect for companies and people
2.5 Control of transmission and disclosure of data
2.6 Conflict of interest
5. HARRASMENT AND DISCRIMINATION – Equal opportunities and mutual respect
1.1 The Code of Ethics was created out of the need to describe the rules of conduct, functioning within FORMASTUDIO.EU (List of Entities), in order to raise awareness among all employees and business partners. Its provisions are based on the need to respect ethical standards and clearly defined norms of conduct in both social and professional relationships. Adherence to ethical principles is a source of values that positively influences our relations with the environment in the workplace and beyond.
1.2 The purpose of the Code of Ethics is to help us make the right choices by identifying the key ethical benchmarks and standards in our professional activities. The Code aims to help eliminate negative phenomena and behaviors that most often stem from our unawareness.
1.3 All employees and business partners are expected to comply with the following values and principles in their day-to-day work.
2.1.1 We operate in an open, direct and honest manner and comply with antitrust laws and fair competition standards.
2.1.2 Our employees are not permitted to offer their current or potential business partners any financial benefit. It is also prohibited to encourage clients, suppliers to offer offer gifts or favors to All employees.
2.1.3 We do not accept any corrupt activities that may give the impression of a bribery request.
2.1.4 Our employees are committed to prevent corruption and are responsible for actively communicating the following anti-corruption policy while performing their duties: All staff shall be required to report any circumstances which may affect the impartial performance of their duties. If employees become aware of corrupt behavior, they are obliged to secure possible evidence and to notify the employer through their supervisor, and if the above applies to the supervisor, to notify the employer directly. In the course of communicating information about the occurrence of corruption, it is necessary to maintain the confidentiality of the information, both with respect to the persons informing about the occurrence of corruption and to the persons affected by the information. In order to confirm information on reasonable suspicion of corrupt conduct and possibly secure material evidence, the employer shall carry out an inspection in person or by an authorized employee. If information about a justified suspicion of corrupt conduct is confirmed, the employer shall take action to draw official consequences for the employee(s) against whom the allegations of their corrupt activities have been confirmed.
2.2.1 Each of our employees must comply with competition and antitrust laws. This means that he/she does not engage in talks with competitors to discuss prices or terms of trade, or our know-how.
2.2.2 It is unacceptable to favour or exclude business partners.
2.2.3 Furthermore, we expect our business partners to take full responsibility for their own conduct in order to ensure fair competition.
2.3.1 We do not infringe on the intellectual property of others through unauthorized use, copying, distribution, or alteration.
2.3.2 Intellectual property and confidential information are not to be made generally available without the prior permission or consent of the employer.
2.4.1 We treat all employees and co-workers as well as business partners with dignity̨ and respect.
2.4.2 Verbal abuse of employees, mental and physical coercion are not tolerated.
2.4.3 We expect a similar attitude from all of our business partners, both when working together and when dealing with other entities or individuals.
2.5.1 Our employees guarantee a fast and uninterrupted flow of information. To foster collaboration, knowledge and information should be shared immediately, comprehensively and without misrepresentation.
2.5.2 Each of our employees uses only fair and lawful means to communicate and pursue our legitimate interests.
2.5.3 Each of our employees is obligated to comply with data protection requirements as well as laws and regulations pertaining to the protection of information and safeguarding confidential, secret and personal data against misuse.
2.5.4 Every employee is obliged to keep trade and business secrets by virtue of performing certain functions in the company.
2.5.5 We make sure that internal information is available only to those authorized to receive it.
2.6.1 Our decisions regarding cooperation with business partners are made exclusively on the basis of objective criteria that are not influenced by personal interests and relationships.
2.6.2 We place great emphasis on ensuring that, in the course of performing their professional duties, our employees do not enter into relationships with customers or external suppliers which may result in biased choices or a lack of objectivity.
2.6.3 Any employee who works for or provides services to other companies that work with us should report this in writing. Where a conflict of interest arises, such activity should be terminated.
3.1 We respect fundamental human rights.
3.2 Any form of coercion by restraint of liberty or threat of physical violence as discipline or control is prohibited.
3.3 We respect the minimum age in the hiring process in accordance with national regulations.
3.4 Regardless of the circumstances, child labor is absolutely prohibited.
4.1 We recognize the fundamental right of all workers to form trade unions and to elect their representatives.
4.2 We declare our willingness to cooperate sincerely and trustingly with employee representatives and strive to achieve a balance of interests.
5.1 We promote a policy of equal opportunities and equal treatment. All decisions are madę on the basis of merit without regard to color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, status, background, or ability.
5.2 We comply with applicable employment laws and expect all our employees to treat each other with dignity and respect.
5.3 We do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of their nationality, race, gender, religion, political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation or any other reason.
5.4 Our principle is to find, hire and support employees based on their qualifications and skills. We prohibit our employees from showing any form of discrimination (e.g. by harming, harassing, bullying) and we support partnership based on mutual respect for one another.
5.5 Our organizational culturę is based on the values and individual needs of our employees. It provides employees with development opportunities, organizes training without discriminating against anyone.
6.1 We comply with safety standards and regulations.
6.2 We are responsible for the safety and health of our employees. We guarantee protection and safety at work in accordance with current legislation.
6.3 By continuously improving the working environment, we strive to improve the quality as well as the productivity and job satisfaction of our employees. Each of our employees takes care of their health and complies with health and safety regulations.
6.4 Safety and health are our core values. We always comply with applicable health and safety rules and regulations. In addition, we consistently promote safe practices and avoid unnecessary risks to our employees.
7.1 We respect the legal requirements of the minimum wage.
7.2 We provide employees with details of their remuneration, while applying accepted principles of respecting their privacy.
7.3 Salaries and additional benefits are calculated and paid in accordance with the applicable laws.
8.1 We respect at least the minimum legal requirements for maximum permitted working hours.
8.3 The number of hours of work, including overtime, is in accordance with applicable laws governing permissible hours of work.
8.4 We comply with applicable laws and public holiday standards.
8.5 We maintain a transparent and reliable system of working time and payroll records.
9.1 We operate in compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations and permits.
9.2 Each of our employees ensures that natural resources are used sensibly and economically and that their activities cause as little harm to the environment as possible.
9.3 Our goal is to keep the environmental impact of our operations as low as possible by making maximum use of our capabilities and modern technologies, while taking economic aspects into account.
9.4 The production process is planned in such a way as to limit the amount of waste produced, and the segregation of waste at the place of its creation makes us co-authors of its reuse.
9.5 Environmental issues are dealt with in a responsible manner. The aim is to develop and disseminate environmentally friendly technologies.
10.1 Any employee may report suspected violations of the law and the Code of Ethics. Any violations must be reported to the supervisor.
10.2 The name of the submitter shall be disclosed only with the person’s consent. For this reason, contact is established in a confidential manner.
10.3 Each reported problem is forwarded to the President of the Board, who within 14 days decides how to solve the problem.
10.4 We strictly prohibit retaliation against any employee who reports a suspected violation of the law or the above code.
10.5 If retaliation occurs̨ it must be reported immediately using the channels available within the company.
11.1 All our employees and business partners, regardless of their position in the organization, have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the values and principles set out in the Code of Ethics.
11.2 Each supervisor ensures that employees in his or her area know and follow the Code of Ethics.
11.3 If there are any questions or ambiguities regarding the application of the Code of Ethics, the first person to contact is the supervisor.
11.4 The Code of Ethics is available at www.formastudio.eu or the direct supervisor.