The foundation of our business is the Code of Ethics, in which we have defined basic standards of work and cooperation, ethical standards and principles of business policy. It is our goal that our employees, as well as people and companies with whom we work, are guided by the principles set out in it.
The Code identifies and addresses, among other things, such issues as:
a) Business ethics (anti-corruption, prohibition of unfair competition, protection of intellectual property, respect for companies and people, control of data transfer and disclosure, conflict of interest).
b) Relationships with customers and business partners (openness and reliability of communication, timeliness).
c) Standards of interpersonal relationships (zero tolerance for all forms of violence, rules of personal relationships).
d) Conditions of performance (wages, working conditions and employment).
e) Task completion standards (reliability and professionalism in carrying out assigned tasks, team communication).
f) Standards for reporting violations and irregularities (handling conflicts of interest, zero tolerance of anti-competitive behavior, anti-fraud).
g) Environmental Responsibility.
We encourage you to read the full version of our Code of Ethics.